S・I さん 三田国際学園高校IC /広尾学園高校インターAG 2024年度合格
Tell us about the study methods you tried to follow for the entrance exam for each of the three subjects.
I practiced writing essays a lot by using Google document. You will be able to write in a short time. Time is limited in the exam, so I really recommend this training.
I read a book that analyzed a lot of poems. GLICC’s English lessons also helped me a lot.
GLICC’s math class was sooooooooo effective. I was not good at math, so it was very helpful. The teacher made many problems similar to the past papers and when I got stuck, the teacher kindly explained it to me over and over again. Thanks to that, in the real exam, the problems were so easy for me.
I practiced 漢字kanji, ことわざkotowaza, 慣用句kannyouku, 故事成語kojiseigo, 二字熟語nijijukugo, 四字熟語yojijukugo
How did you find study at GLICC and how did it help you prepare for the exam?
In the English class, the teacher always taught me about interesting topics so that I could learn easily. The class also helped me to remember technical terms.
I’m sure I couldn’t have passed the exam without GLICC.
What did you like about classes at GLICC?
GLICC’s classes have warm atmosphere and I could express myself freely.
GLICC’s classes usually have few students in each class, so I could relax and concentrate on studying.