
かえつ有明で帰国生クラス(Honors Class)を教えているDutson先生がいよいよGLICCに登場します。




  • 10月8日(土)  無料体験授業 各クラスとも定員10名
  • 午後4時~4時50分 :  小学5年生
  • 午後5時~5時50分  : 小学6年生


What is philosophy?

Philosophy is the act of thinking carefully -- through a conversation with others -- about the meaning of the most basic ideas that make up the human world. 

These ideas, which include fairness, time, beauty, truth, knowledge, happiness and intelligence, are an important part of how we understand the world around us. But they can be confusing. We may begin to wonder, for example, how time can be something constant (as it is on a clock), when it passes so quickly at a friend's birthday party, or when we are doing something we love. Is time really fixed, or does it change speed? Is it in our minds, or in the world too? What, in fact, is time? 

The goal of philosophy is to clarify our understanding of these ideas.  Each lesson begins with an interesting story or activity, designed to get children thinking. The students are then asked a question, for example:

- Is beauty in our minds, or in objects?
- What colour is a mirror?
- Is the mind the same thing as the brain?
- Would you rather be a sad human or a happy pig?
- If you can't get a good score on your school tests, does that mean you're not intelligent?

After discussing their first thoughts with each other, the teacher will ask a series of questions, encouraging the students to use their reasoning and experience to build the best possible answer they can find, and to discard answers that don't make as much sense.

Philosophy is challenging and also very enjoyable. It promotes independent thinking, active listening, confidence in speaking and comfort with criticism. In short, it helps to nurture the kind of thoughtful personality that international schools and universities look for in their best and brightest students.

If you wish to give philosophy a try, please feel free to join the model lesson at GLICC.