GLICCは楽しく勉強できる場所だった (2025年2月入試)

T・G くん 三田国際学園中 IC合格

How do you feel now that you have passed the exam?

It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I was working hard for a long time, and now all the pressure and stress of exams has disappeared. I’m very, very happy and my family are all very proud of me. 

How was the exam?

The exam was very difficult, especially the maths. There were some very complicated problems in the exam, and it was more challenging than I expected. Thankfully we did a lot of preparation in class, so I felt like I could manage it.

For the English section, the reading was pretty tough. The answers weren’t always directly stated in the passage, so I had to spend a lot of time making sure I understood the text properly. As I spent more time than I intended on the reading, I had to make sure I didn’t spend too long on the other sections. Luckily, I felt pretty confident with the listening section. It made me realize that time management really is an important skill, and I’m lucky to have had a lot of practice.


How do you feel studying at GLICC helped you pass the exam?

I think the small-group environment that GLICC classes have is really helpful. The teacher really gets to know each student and can focus more to help students with any areas that they find challenging. I think this classroom atmosphere at GLICC helped me a lot more than any other cram school could have.

Did you attend any other juku? How did it compare?

No, I only attended GLICC. I felt like studying at GLICC was enough for me. I thought that if I was attending several cram schools, it would have been too stressful. I think it is important for young people to balance their studies and to have time to take breaks and spend time outside. This is what helped me stay motivated and productive when I was studying.

What study habits / routines did you have?

I took lessons at GLICC on Friday, Saturday and Tuesday. I would usually arrive early for my classes so that I could have some extra study time. Studying at the school was an excellent way to work in a quiet environment without distractions. The teachers were also available to support me when needed. Outside of classes, I spent about 1 - 2 hours studying each day in the lead up to exams, and made sure that I had time for other activities I enjoy too.
私は金曜日、土曜日、火曜日にGLICCでレッスンを受けていました。 授業に早めに到着して、予習復習の時間を確保するようにしていました。 学校で勉強するのは、気が散ることなく静かな環境で勉強できる素晴らしい方法でした。 また、必要に応じて先生方がサポートしてくれました。 授業以外では、試験前には毎日1~2時間勉強し、そのほかに自分が好きな活動をする時間も確保するようにしていました。

Was there anything you particularly liked about the lessons at GLICC?

I liked that all members of the classes were involved. The teachers gave each member of the classroom attention, instead of just focussing on a couple of students. I always felt like if I had a problem, the teachers could notice and help me right away.

What was something you felt like you improved during your time here?

Something I felt like I improved a lot was my math skills. I felt like my math abilities were not great, but I received a lot of extra support, and whenever I came early to classes, the teachers would support me.

What advice would you give for future students who also want to attend Mita?

I would advise that they practice their interview skills! I think a lot of students focus a lot on the exam and don’t think enough about the interview. It’s important to speak clearly and not to stutter your words, as that may jeopardize your chances of getting in. I was always confident with my speaking skills, but there were still some surprising questions. The interview practice I received at GLICC made the whole experience a lot smoother.

Would you recommend GLICC to other students who want to get into Mita?

I would definitely recommend GLICC. The homework we received was very similar to the types of questions that appeared in the Mita exam. My friends at school always said their cram schools were all very stressful, but I actually found GLICC a very fun place to learn. Even though the homework was challenging, it never felt like it was so much that I felt stressed out.

What are you most excited about for your new school?

We are going to take a trip in our very first week of school! It will be a great chance to break the ice, meet new people and make new friends, so I’m really excited about that.
学校が始まって最初の週に旅行に行くんです! みんなと打ち解け、新しい人たちと知り合い、新しい友達を作る良い機会になるので、とても楽しみです。